Every child is born with extraordinary levels of curiosity.

To the child, everything is new and, he/she is trying to make meaning out of their experiences.

Someone has rightly said that man is a meaning-making machine.

The curiosity of this meaning-making machine needs to be nurtured with utmost care during the early days as a child.

Unfortunately, the curiosity of the child is curbed by parents-
“Don’t do this!.”

“Don’t go there”.

These are the common words that a child often hears.
The child begins to feel that if he/she does things that he/she feels like doing, then it must be wrong.

Just imagine a child walking along with her dad in a garden.
She sees a butterfly in one of the bushes. She tries to move towards the bush and her dad pulls her along.

“Look straight and walk”.

Later she sees a small puddle of water and wants to jump in it. Dad again pulls her away.
At every occasion, her curiosity to explore the environment and learn from her experiences is curbed.

Over a period of time, she hesitates to do anything that she desires. She slowly starts to develop anxiety and starts to withdraw from life.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Parents do not let children explore the world. They feel that they are doing this in the best interest of the child.
However, they are directing the child according to their false fears.

What should be done to allow the curiosity to develop?

Simple, just allow the child to do what he/she feels like doing. Ensure that the child’s safety is kept in mind. Allow the child to play in the rain, jump in the puddle, dirty the house, mess in the kitchen, etc. If you are expecting a child to be non-chaotic, non-experimenting and, living life as per your expectations, then probably you need a robot and not a child. It is only then, that the child will really grow from within. Of course, you need to see that the child does not put his hand on the stove or cut himself with a knife. Here do not allow him to experiment.

To allow a child to explore his/her curiosity, the most important factor needed among parents is time and patience.

In the next ten days, spend more time with your kids, allow them to explore their curiosity.

Do not allow your fear to interfere in their world.

See them become more bubbly and full of life.

Let them explore their world and let them make meanings out of it.

Let parents not inject their interpretations into their child’s life.